Step 1
Set Up Your Frump Fighters Interactive™ Account
Choose a Plan to Get Started
Basic Level - $39 one time
One-time fee.
Includes 30-day free trial for Premium Level features.
- A Virtual Closet: Digital & customizable list of wardrobe items so you can be organized and prioritized in what you buy. Add pictures of your own clothes if desired.
- Outfit of the Day Suggestions: See a week's worth of outfit suggestions so you don't even have to figure out what to wear!
- Outfit Formulas & Style Guidance: See endless inspiration for creating outfits from your pieces with official formulas suggested by Frump Fighters and the ability to see how those outfits look with your pieces.
- Saving Outfits: Collect your favorite looks in one place so you can quickly find something to wear from winning outfits.
Premium Level - $7.97/month
Everything in Basic plus:
- Facebook Group Access - Enjoy the accountability and encouragement of a community of frump fighters, get inspired by each other's outfits, and ask any fashion/clothing questions you have.
- Outfits Shared by Other Members: See customized versions of outfits shared by other members and share yours with others if you wish.
- Outfit Customization: Save customized versions of outfits whether it's a picture of yourself or a graphic of your clothes. (With "private" or "all members" privacy controls.)
- Customizing Outfit Calendars: Create customized outfit calendars based on your weather! Easily shuffle any day to change up the outfit idea.
- Add Additional & Custom Pieces To Your Closet: Have items in your closet that aren't on Frump Fighters' official list? Or have multiples of the same item? You can add any items to your heart's content!
- BONUS - Help Finding Clothes: Every Friday Premium members vote on a women's clothing piece they're looking for. The next week, we send an email with links to places they can buy it online. (Includes plus size)
Some "one-time" payment options may be available.
Step 3
Explore Our Other Products
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